A Call To Action News School for Synodality A Happy & Holy Christmas Taking Liturgy Seriously - Online Course Executive Summary - Final Document of the Synod October 2024 Towards a New Way of Being the Church Four Haikus for Advent, a journey of anticipation Advent Calendar The Selection of Bishops Cardinal Elect Timothy Radcliffe Meditations RIP Frank Riordan The Practical Implications for a Synodal Church Website on Teilhard de Chardin Empowering Ourselves - Root & Branch ACTA AGM 14th July 2024 ONLINE - 9th ACTA National Conference SYNOD: ACTAs Response to the Synthesis Report Watch: CBS interviews Pope Francis on 60 Minutes "One man, two vocations is perfectly possible" Authority and the Church - Oscott College Believing, not Belonging Research Synthesis Report Online Zoom Meetings Austin Ivereigh - Synodal Reflections Austin Ivereigh - First Hand Synodal Reflections Gaza this October A Happy & Peaceful Christmas to you and yours ! Becoming Synodal Video Becoming Synodal Getting our feet wet First Synod Retreat Meditation with Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP The English Standard Version - Catholic Spirit Unbounded Notice of Annual General Meeting Permission to read Eurovision Fever and Spiritual Calmness Ecology and a Theology of Creation ACTA Archive Material Towards a Beatitudinal Church ACTA as we look ahead Where do we go from here? Thank you for submitting this form Ongoing international Synod Document A CLOSING DOWN SALE The 9th ACTA National Conference is OPEN for Registrations Thank you, your Majesty Synod National Synthesis for England & Wales Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022 Bruce Kent Funeral 44th Annual Conference-Swanwick 22-24 July 2022 Peace Campaigner Bruce Kent has died The Rome Monti Declaration on a Shared Humanity 2022 The structure of the Church remains hierarchical, paternalistic and almost exclusively male. John Wilkins - RIP A time of greeting, a time of wonder Making Church Organization Fit For Purpose ACTA NATIONAL CONFERENCE SURVEY 2022 A Call To Action (ACTA) synodal representation for Portsmouth and Arundel & Brighton Dioceses Kyiv Winter of ‘22 A Cold War is being re-heated Two Lost Voices Seeking together a new way of being Church The Synodal Process - Joint Approach A NEW HOLY FAMILY, A FAMILY FOR OUR TIMES A strong voice in turbulent times Extracts from the Vademecum Synodal Activity in your Parish / Diocese Interview: Cardinal Scola condemns ‘harsh and insolent attacks’ against Pope Francis Advent Journey 2021 - Scottish Laity Network What ever happened to the Easter People? Fr Gerry J Hughes SJ ACTA - ESV Session 1 - Lost and Found in Translation 23rd September 2021 Welcome Message from Archbishop Bernard Longley ESV - Session 3 - Lost and Found in Translation In a monumental failure of leadership, too many dioceses are failing to engage with the synodal pathway ESV Session 1 with Sr Patricia Rumsey and Dr Amanda Dillon Mini-Series on Synodality by Margaret Beaufort Institute Cardinal Nichols sends best wishes Trustees Welcome New Groups Hopes for the Church after lockdown: Younger Voices The Synodal Church - A Kairos Time: Massimo Faggioli Lay Catholics condemn bishops' synodal process Hiroshima and Nagasaki remembered WELCOME TO AN INCLUSIVE LECTIONARY A Bidding Prayer or two this Sunday Bread not stones in our parishes John Bradburne Centenary Walk ESV Lost in Translation - Registration Now Open! Evangelisation and lay ministry top synod poll The Table of the Lord RIP - Nick Weeks Liverpool Synod 2020 - Together on the Road A New Lectionary - Thomas O'Loughlin "Putting Laudato Si into Practice" a talk by Dr Sam Ewell The New Lectionary with Liz Dodd The Universe Media Group Close The Meeting Place What is Synodality? New Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship You’ve got a friend The Synodal Process 2021-23 Dylan at 80 - 24 May 1941 Prophecy in our time The New Lectionary – with Liz Dodd A LECTIONARY FOR OUR TIMES A Call To Action in Portsmouth Diocese Survey concerning bishop’s discussion document and the future of Portsmouth Diocese Hans Küng - RIP Stations of the Cross Book Launch - Gabrielle Thomas - experiences of women in the church A New Imagination of the Possible: An Update on the Covid 19 Commission The English Standard Version and the Use of Inclusive Language Root and Branch Synod What would Pope Francis do? Fr Paul Sanders - RIP Covid Creation Climate - A reflection I closed your churches! Scottish Laity Network - Lenten Journey Synodality Survey Viewpoint: Where does evangelisation begin? The asking price Living Laudato Si' Your Parish and Your Planet Zoom Retreat The Global Catholic Movement The Revolution of Mercy and a New Ecumenism Mary did you know? Waiting in Silence... Third Sunday in Advent CRIBBING FOR CHRISTMAS AND BEYOND Proclaiming Mark Christmas Postage Stamps If This Time... ACTA - Birmingham Archdiocese 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Mtt 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (All Saints) Yr A Mtt. Department of Theology and Religious Studies Outreach 2020, the LGBTQ Catholic Ministry Conference Book launch by Prof Tom O’Loughlin of Tony Flannery’s new book ‘From the Outside.’ The "Francesco" documentary Tony Flannery’s new book ‘From the Outside’ 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YR A MT 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Mtt. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Mtt. Papal Mass and signing of Fratelli Tutti Novena to Mary, The Undoer of Knots 2020 The Post Pandemic Church 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew Today's Mass in English! 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Mtt. 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Mtt. Jean Riordan - An Appreciation 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Mtt. Covid 19, the New Normal, and Eco-Spirituality 23rd Sunday in Ordinary time Matthew YR A PayPal Charges Reduced CT Words adendum PayPal Charity Account Approved ! 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew How we as Church can respond to the crisis of Covid-19 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew Good Trouble 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew Good liturgy bad liturgy and faith To return or renew? Nicholas Lash 1934-2020 First online members Meeting minutes 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew Tom O'Loughlin | Eating Together, Becoming One 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew Tom O’Loughlin’s latest book wins First Prize in the USA 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew Bishops are free to publish their ad limina reports 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ss Peter & Paul) CORPUS CHRISTI YR A Matthee Meditation for Corpus Christi 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew Scottish Laity Network A video-message from the archdiocese of Lima PENTECOST SUNDAY Yr A TRINITY SUNDAY - MATTHEW We are celebrants not consumers! Online Faith Videos Free to watch until August 7th Sunday of Eastertide Yr A Mathew 6TH SUN EASTERTIDE YR A Invitation to Prayer on 14th May 5th Sunday of Easter Yr Matthew Virus and Vocation - Tom O'Loughlin A day in my "coronated" life at the Vatican 4th Sunday of Easter Matthew “Expanding our View of Christian Faith Today” 3rd Sunday of Easter Matthew Homily from Fr Joe Boland, St Bride's, West Kilbride Thought for the day - Women! 2nd Sunday of Easter Year A Matthew Easter Sunday Easter Saturday/Sunday at Home Liturgy Good Friday Home Liturgy The Death and Resurrection of St Corona(virus) Stations of the Cross then and now - pray 8pm tonight with Pope Francis Praying at Home during this Coronavirus Holy Week Reimagining the Eucharist PASSION SUNDAY (Palm Sunday) Yr A Matthew BBC Radio 4 - Hidden children of the Church Homily for 5th Sunday of Lent Coordinators 2023 'Are there any good Catholics in this time of coronavirus?' 5th Sunday of Lent Yr A Matthew Where is God in the Coronavirus? Coronavirus Thought for the Day A Bishop with pastoral vision A Message from Richard Rohr about COVID-19 Public Acts of worship suspended 4th Sunday of Lent Yr A Matthew Let us pray... Jesus and the Empire 3rd Sunday of Lent Yr A Matthew Constitution - Please Read COVID-19 2nd Sunday of Lent Yr A Matthew Statement from ACTA National Team First Sunday of Lent Yr A Matthew Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew Thank you to Andrew Hornsby-Smith Eating Together, Becoming One Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A When the mist clears: 20 – 20 Vision THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD YR A MATTHEW The Epiphany of the Lord Beads of Prayer The Holy Family Yr A "A nativity scene without Jews, Arabs, Africans or refugees." Midnight Mass Yr A Fourth Sunday of Advent Yr A Third Sunday of Advent Yr A 2nd Sunday of Advent Yr A Matthew The God Who Speaks – and ACTA! Advent leads to light First Sunday of Advent Year A Thirty-Third Sunday of the Year C Christ The King Yr C Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C Thirty-First Sunday of the Year C 30th Sunday of the Year C Young Mr Newman Conference 2019 Conference Feedback Twenty Ninth Sunday of the Year C BBC World Service: Husbands and Priests Bishop backs parishioners who want women priests Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year C Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year C Twenty-Sixth Sunday of the Year C BBC2 - Inside The Vatican - Fri 9pm Twenty-Fifth Sunday of the Year C Twenty-Fourth Sunday of the Year C Twenty Third Sunday of the Year C Newsletter of Birmingham ACTA 22nd Sunday of the Year C Twenty-First Sunday of the Year C The Church of Rock A Well-earned rest ! Knee pads The Reform Seminaries Need Eighteenth Sunday of the Year C Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C Sixteenth Sunday of the Year C Fifteenth Sunday of the Year Yr C A cry from the depths The radical theological vision of Pope Francis The Body and Blood of Christ Yr C Fourteenth Sunday of the Year C Married Priests for the Amazon Trinity Sunday Yr C Seventh Sunday of Easter Yr C Pentecost Sunday Yr C Rome Correspondent, Robert Mickens Recognition, Justice and Equality for women in the Church. Sixth Sunday of Easter Yr C Parish Catalyst Jean Vanier's Funeral Fifth Sunday of Easter Yr C A voice worth listening to Fourth Sunday of Easter Yr C Don't miss Dairmuid O'Murchu at this years Conference ! Third Sunday of Easter Yr C Bishops Conference Bible Survey 2nd Sunday of Easter Yr C Holy Thursday Fifth Sunday of Lent Yr C Palm Sunday Yr C Good Friday 2019 Fourth Sunday of Lent Yr C Happy International Women's Day Paschal Candle Sticker 2019 Listen to my people Coordinators Response First Sunday of Lent Yr C Second Sunday of Lent Yr C Third Sunday of Lent Yr C Salford: Bishop Arnold's Pastoral Letter in preparation for Lent focusses on environment Eight Sunday In Ordinary Time Year C Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C Synods and the Church under Pope Francis Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C The Journey Man Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C Radio 4 - In Our Time - Papal Infallibility Baptism of the Lord Yr 2 The Epiphany of the Lord Feast of the Holy Family Yr C Ecclesial Ethics –ACTA is looking for participants in a working group. ESV Bible RC Bishop appoints lay woman to lead parish ACTA Commentary Midnight Mass The Priesthood in Australia 3rd Sunday of Advent Yr C 2nd Sunay of Advent Yr C 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Cribbing For Christmas First Sunday In Advent Yr C Ordain Local Leaders - Lobinger 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Evangelical bible ‘set to replace old lectionary’ Cardiff Hosts ACTA National Conference 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Robert Mickens predicts a South American Pope in 2012 Episcopalis Communio : Machine Translation of the Italian - No English Text Constructive Dialogue !!! Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Reflections for the Eucharistic Congress Pope Francis Letter to the People of God Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 'Take and eat' becomes 'kneel and adore' Daily Worship led by Sr Gemma Simmonds C.J. Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Humanae Vitae at 50: Complimentary eBook Are we being honest to God? Brian Pointer Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Uniting for a Positive Resistance in Support of Pope Francis Statement from ACTA on the Forthcoming World Meeting of Families 2018, Ireland Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Corpus Christi Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Love is the Way - Bishop Michael Curry Trinity Sunday 7th Sunday of Easter Year B Pentecost Sunday Fifth Sunday of Easter Year B Sixth Sunday of Easter Yr B Fourth Sunday of Easter - Year B Gaudate et Exsultate - on the call to holiness in today's world Bishop Paul Swarbrick of the Lancaster Diocese Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) Easter Vigil Easter Sunday Mary Magdalene in the Movies Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday) Voices of Faith Fifth Sunday of Lent Year B ACTA Seven Years On... Our actions have consequences FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR B New ICEL Translations in England and Wales for the Chrism Mass What do we value? Heartfelt gratitude ! Easter Homilies 2018 Good Friday 2018 Third Sunday of Lent Reflection Year B The Shock of the New A Time of Waiting Second Sunday of Lent Reflection: Year B First Sunday of Lent Reflection: Year B Lent with Joseph O'Hanlon, Nottingham Priest New Bishop of LANCASTER Lay People to Minister at Funerals 'Let us Pray' in good English Still asking questions... What are the 1998 Mass Responses? THE LETTER FROM THE CONGREGATION FOR DIVINE WORSHIP REGARDING THE LITURGY MOTU PROPRIO Pope Francis to Roman Curia 21st Dec 2017 The new face of Vatican Media Happy 81st Birthday Australian bishop urges end to clericalism WE BISHOPS GOT IT WRONG ABOUT THE MISSAL What the phrase should read, Francis explained, is 'don’t let me fall into temptation' A better translation of the Mass possible The Scandal of the 2011 Missal The Bishops Statement on Translation IICSA English Benedictine Congregation case study - Public Hearing 27th November 2017 Pope Francis keeps us rooted in the Gospel THE NEED FOR NEW FORMS OF LEADERSHIP IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Christ the King Opening Prayers - you choose ! The Bishops Statement on Magnum Principium Renewal of Priestly Ministry Werner Jeanrond is coming to Birmingham A Challenging Conference Conference 2017 in sound and pictures Support Pope Francis in the direction for the Church 2017 ACTA Conference Live Stream Press Release 1st November 2017 Bishops deliberate whether one rule applies to all divorced people after 'Amoris Laetitia' Lost in Translation They Pastor For You Take Back Control ! One priest's hopes for the Mass translations Francis decentralises most authority for liturgical translations to local bishops Parishes at the Service of Mission A year of the laity? Mass Settings to use for FREE ! Fr Jacques Hamel - RIP New models for the local church The Church We Want To Be A just society comes at a price RIP - Jo Cox MP What is there to say ? It's time to sing again ! ACTA Southwark Day Workshop, Amigo Hall, 27th May 2017 Cardinals plan for laypeople to lead parishes With open hands Leadership Meeting Venue Change Hey you, stop being so critical! My people are suffering The Pope opens the door a little further for married priests 4 Years of Pope Francis' Pastorate An intimate act of love Footwashing for Lent Document upload email JOHN WILKINS, ACTA's Media adviser since 2012 ACTA letter to Pope Francis Review of the Mass translation: A fitting 'swan song' Pope Francis has ordered a review of the new Mass translation Salford Diocese: 22 churches to close under reorganisation plan Faith, Hope and Disappointment in the Lancaster Diocese Martin Scorsese discusses his faith, his struggles, and "Silence." The Guardian view on Pope Francis: championing humanity - Editorial Christmas Message from the Chair Francis denounces resistance to Vatican reform in Christmas speech to curia Happy 80th Birthday Pope Francis Prayer Unites ! Recovering Catholicism Marco Politi report on lecture tour Transcript of Talk by Werner and Tina Recovering Catholicism Conference 2016 International Network of Priests' Associations and Church Reform Groups RIP Fr Jacques Hamel Roman Missal 1998 Year of Mercy with Bishop Christopher Budd Laity must make its voice heard says former President of Ireland Respect for Women ACTA: In and of the Church Birmingham ACTA Francis: Spirit works in laypeople, 'is not property of the hierarchy' The Joy of Love March Newsletter An Evening with Mary McAleese ACTA’s Letter to the Pope Pope Francis Among the Wolves (Columbia) Broken Bridges - Chris McDonnell Bishop shares synod experience at ACTA day conference 4th ACTA National Conference 2016 ACTA Birmingham Newsletter Birmingham Parish Pastoral Councils Report Research on Parish Pastoral Councils Holy Year..A Challenge For Us All Notes from Annual ACTA Conference Visiting both ends of the Spectrum Conference 2015 Conference Programme Saturday 31st October Francis: Synod is unfinished business of Vatican II We asked for openness, and we’re getting it ! Behold I stand at the door and knock ! The Bishop's Response The Smell of the Sheep Presentation The Call the Journey and the Mission Answers Summary of Responses Lancaster ACTA - The Smell of the Sheep ! Student Synod Questionnaire Findings The 10th Anniversary of the death of Brother Roger The ACTA 4th National Conference 2015 Proclaim 15 The smell of the sheep National Delegate Council May 2015 Cardinal Kasper: Francis wants a hierarchy that listens to 'sensus fidei' Reform groups' letter to Francis: Stop combining parishes into megaparishes A perspective from the South The Lord is Risen ! He is Risen Indeed ! Alleluia ! The Pope is a Christian ! +Nichols says Stay Calm and Don't go to war ! The “Sensus Fidei” and the Synod Tony Hoey - RIP Prof. Gavin D'Costa Talk - 22/02/15 Celebrating Easter Why I Support ACTA – Voices from Shrewsbury The Smell of the Sheep ! Calling to mind December 2014 Newsletter Burke replaced by Pope Francis Listen Again ! Welcome Message +McMahon ACTA response to the Synod ACTA National Conference Francis, Bishop of Rome, 18 months on: a Refounding of the ministry of Peter? ACTA September 2014 Newsletter Synod on the Family Archbishop Bernard Longley 800 FREE Talks on Vatican II ACTA Needs You! Use whatever talent you have ! Southwark's Evangelisation Conference Catholic Church Reform Recommendations to the Synod Women who love priests Pope Francis in the Holy Land National Delegate Council Pope to Lay People: Parishes Need You Lifting of restrictions on Irish priest welcomed Pope Francis 'tells sinner she should be allowed Communion' Media Coverage Towards Reform for Mission A married priesthood would right many wrongs Study indicates wide rejection of new translations by US clergy The Pope's Revolution Argentina: Presidential godmother for gay couple's baby Cartoon Nun goes Viral !!! Francis Starts Festival of Forgiveness by Going to Confession Bishop of Portsmouth meets ACTA Pope Francis led by a child The German Bishops' Conference Survey Pope Francis: Booklet joins list of Irish best-sellers The new translation of the Roman Missal Pope Francis one year on... Irregular marriages and the sacraments Pope Francis joins 82 Cardinals on Lenten Retreat Beyond Belief - Pope Francis Terry Duffy on Radio Lancashire Cardinal Nichols on the Andrew Marr Show Pope Francis sends message of Christian Unity to Evangelicals by Bishop Tony Palmer -- FULL VIDEO ! Pope Francis to a gathering of Pentecostals BBC Radio 4 on the Synod Letter to Archbishop Nichols The Heart of the Matter World Youth Day 2014 The Joy of the Gospel - Comment Pastoral challenges to the family in the context of evangelisation Father Timothy Peace Dove attacked ! Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) Don't let them tell you you are too old !! Fundamentalism gone mad ! Happy New Year 2014 Liam Hayes Research ACTA National Delegate Council (NDC) meeting Pope Francis calls for power to move away from Vatican Conference Speakers The Importance of the New Evangelisation ACTA Autumn Conference October 26th 2013 Synod: Family & Evangelization 2nd ACTA National Conference Interview with Pope Francis Can we save the Catholic Church ? A Big Heart Open to God BBC Radio West Midlands Pope Francis invites world to take part in day of fasting and prayer for peace Prevenient Grace - a reflection on the new missal. News UPDATE August 2103 Pastoral Documents Pastoral Documents Ss Peter & Paul 100 Days of Francis Petitioning The Pope Did you want to become Pope? Call to return married ex-priests to ministry Spirit of Freedom Hinsley Hall Conference Report Trinity: A Compass Bearing For Life Liverpool and Lancaster Press Officer for ACTA Post Leeds ACTA gathering, May 2013 Courageous Conversations First Signs of the Spirit On the Margin Midday Prayer Hymn of the Universe Happy Birthday Pierre ! RIP Fr Peter Dolan Web site hacked ! The Church As Mother So it happened Easter Sunday Homily Happy Easter ! Pope Francis asks priests to go to "outskirts" where they are most needed Domus Santa Marta An intimate act of love Rain Swept Man Pope Francis the worst possible choice? Pope Francis will celebrate Holy Thursday Mass in Prison The Inaugural Mass Mozzetta Two sites re-launched Rent a Garage ! The Joy of Morning Report A Call To Action From 1 Dec 2012 & 23 Feb 2013 We have a Pope Dysfunctional Church needs to change declares Baroness Kennedy Catholic Church should introduce optional celibacy, says clergy support group Pray for the Conclave Church reform and collegiality Benedict XVI: A supremely liturgical Pope The Shape of the Church to come The crimes of the Catholic Church: not in our names Portsmouth Diocese The Empty Chair Urgency of Reform Cardinal Keith O'Brien: 'Allow priests to marry' To have Fr. Tony Flannery returned to his priestly ministry Swiss abbot makes fiery appeal for church reform Crossing The Threshold Married Episcopal priests joining the Catholic Church SWISS BENEDICTINE ABBOT SPEAKS OF CHURCH REFORM Words fail us: Parishioners respond to the new Missal a year later Diocesan Forums Catholic Social Teaching Fr Brian D'Arcy - Turbulent Priest Assoc of Catholic Priests and Irish Bishops A Call To Action is Four Years Old To have and to hold and to give Marco Politi FREE Lecture Tour October 10th 2012 Meeting