Advent Calendar: the road to and from Bethlehem to your door.  Each day there are notes that can be read or listened to (a 5 minute listen) relating to the Mass readings for the day which, over Advent, give a better understanding of the effects and potential of the first Christmas in our lives, individually and collectively

Part1: Look around at the world as it is and as it can be

  • 1st Don’t let life make you coarse      
  • 2nd Get ideas above yourself      
  • 3rd Mind the gaps        
  • 4th Always want more      
  • 5th Check your foundations             
  • 6th Blinkers off, see the world    
  • 7th Help is at hand

(Part 2 theme: Look again at your place in the world. Part 3theme: Look back at the people involved in Jesus' birth.  Part 4 theme: Look ahead to the effects of Christmas).

The readings are available at (no cost, no adverts!).