Prophecy in our time
- Written by: Chris McDonnell
Download: MAY 21 Prophecy in our time
Chris McDonnell CT May 21. 2021.
To continue after a brief interruption…
My absence from this column happened to coincide with the passing of the theologian Hans Kung who died in early April at the age of 93. Many column inches were written on his extraordinary life for he was indeed an extraordinary man.
Critical of the Church he loved, he remained loyal through many tribulations, a priest in good standing in spite of his harsh treatment by those in authority. He just continued to ask questions that promoted thought and reflection. In consequence his licence to teach theology at a Catholic University was withdrawn by John Paul II in 1979. It would have been an act of generosity had that been restored in recent years in recognition of his significant contribution to the theology of our time. Some 17 years earlier John XXIII had named him a peritus, an expert advisor at the start of the Vatican Council. That visionary Bishop of Rome recognized in Kung those qualities that undoubtedly foreshadowed the prophetic nature of the man that we came to know through his teaching and extensive written publications in subsequent years.
The New Lectionary – with Liz Dodd
- Written by: Alex Walker
The Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchure Community is delighted to welcome
Liz Dodd
Home News Editor of The Tablet
at 6 – 7pm, on Monday 17th May 2021
to guide us through the
New Lectionary
Register Here:
- Written by: Joseph O’Hanlon
In 2006 Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor intimated that it was time to begin the process of producing a new Lectionary. The well-known deficiencies of the Jerusalem Bible were recognised and needed to be replaced. To many it seemed inevitable that the New Jerusalem Bible (1985) would supply the texts for a new Lectionary. However, the failure of that translation to win the approval of biblical scholars or the support of eminent liturgists forced its abandonment, and a third effort from the JB stable, the Revised New Jerusalem Bible made its appearance, in the sure and certain conviction that the bishops of England and Wales (and Scotland) would choose it for a new Lectionary. To everyone’s surprise (but not mine) the prize was awarded to the English Standard Version (published 2001). With appropriate permission, the bishops of India negotiated the publication of the English Standard Version Catholic Edition (ESV/CE) in 2017 and it is this translation that will appear in our new Lectionary. However, the episcopal choice has led to much controversy.
A Call To Action in Portsmouth Diocese Survey concerning bishop’s discussion document and the future of Portsmouth Diocese
- Written by: Andrew Hornsby-Smith
A comment on this report from a member:
You have obviously spent a lot of time writing this and its been done very professionally so congratulations for that. The report does not present a happy picture of the present situation and many challenging points were highlighted however if there were 2 points that shout out loud to me from this report its the damaging issue of clericalism and being a more outward looking church reaching out in service to a presently "disengaged" community.
Downoad the full Report here: Church survey collated results Easter 2021 - ACTA Portsmouth
Hans Küng - RIP
- Written by: Alex Walker
Catholic priest and theologian Hans Küng, the renowned scholar and prolific writer who had lived with Parkinson's disease, macular degeneration and arthritis since 2013, died April 6 at his home in Tubingen, Germany. He was 93.
Few men throughout Christendom have had as much to say or had their work seen by as many Christians — and others — as Küng, the celebrated and controversial Swiss theologian and Catholic priest. Read More...
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