Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022
- Written by: Alex Walker
Notice of Annual General Meeting
DOWNLOAD: ACTA constitution January 2020 v4
DOWNLOAD: ACTA 2021 Final Accounts & IE Report
The Annual General Meeting of ACTA - A Call to Action is to be held on Wednesday 6th July 2022 at 7.00pm via Zoom
The Agenda is established by the Board of Trustees and will be sent to all members no later than Wednesday 29th June 2022
All members have the right to stand for Election as an officer and will become ex officio a member of the Board of Trustees. Notes from the Constitution are attached.
The current officers may stand for re-election
Any member wishing to stand for election should inform the Secretary no later than Monday 27th June 2022 by email to :
Agenda – Draft
- Report on activities 2021-2022 [ Chair]
- Election of Officers [ K Bamber to oversee this element until a Chair is elected. New Chair resumes chairing the meeting]
- Financial Report – Treasurer
- Annual Conference 22nd October 2022
- Any Other Business
13. Appointment of charity trustees
13.1 At every annual general meeting of the members of the CIO, except the first,
one-third of the charity trustees shall retire from office. If the number of charity
trustees is not three or a multiple of three, then the number nearest to one-
third shall retire from office, but if there is only one charity trustee, he or she shall retire.
13.2 The charity trustees to retire by rotation shall be those who have been longest in
office since their last appointment or reappointment. If any trustees were last
appointed or reappointed on the same day those to retire shall (unless they
otherwise agree among themselves) be determined by lot;
13.3 The vacancies so arising may be filled by the decision of the members at the
annual general meeting; any vacancies not filled at the annual general meeting
may be filled as provided in clause 13.4;
13.4 The members or the charity trustees may at any time decide to appoint a new
charity trustee, whether in place of a charity trustee who has retired or been
removed in accordance with clause 14(b)(Retirement and removal of charity
trustees), or as an additional charity trustee, provided that the limit specified in
clause 12.3 on the number of charity trustees would not as a result be exceeded;
13.5 A person so appointed by the members of the CIO shall retire in accordance with
the provisions of clauses 13.1 and 13.3. A person so appointed by the charity
trustees shall retire at the conclusion of the next annual general meeting after
the date of his or her appointment, and shall not be counted for the purpose of
determining which of the charity trustees is to retire by rotation at that meeting.
44th Annual Conference-Swanwick 22-24 July 2022
- Written by: Alex Walker
Programme Outline - NJPN Conference Booking form 31 May
Friday evening:
Philip McDonagh will speak of a hope that requires courage – upright action for the sake of the future. Hope is rational – an escapist fantasy does not qualify as hope in action.
"Philip is co-author of the recently published work "On the Significance of Religion for Global Diplomacy" (Routledge 2021), Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Humanities at Dublin City University, and Director of the Centre for Religion, Human Values, and International Relations.
As a serving Irish diplomat, as Political Counsellor in London, Philip played a part in the Northern Ireland peace process in the build-up to the Good Friday Agreement. He later served as Head of Mission in India, the Holy See, Finland, Russia, and the OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe).
Philip has published poetry and works for the theatre, including The Song the Oriole Sang (Dedalus Press, Dublin, 2010) and Gondla, or the Salvation of the Wolves (Arlen House 2016), a translation of Nikolai Gumilev's Irish-themed play written during WWI”
Peace Campaigner Bruce Kent has died
- Written by: Alex Walker
Today we heard the sad news of the death of Bruce Kent, a wonderful and committed campaigner for peace and non-violent action over so many years. Some years ago, Bruce contributed to the ‘Speaking Personally’ column in the NJPN newsletter and I offer the link to his article as a tribute to a great advocate for justice and peace. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
Anne Peacey
The Rome Monti Declaration on a Shared Humanity 2022
- Written by: Alex Walker
The Rome Monti Declaration on a Shared Humanity 2022
Signed on 25th May 2022 at Roma Monti
Human societies are in crisis. Extreme weather and mass extinction are already upon us. Wars, climate disasters, and displacements are leading to acute human suffering, especially of those who have historically been most oppressed, those who carry the burdens of humanity on their shoulders. We recognize that dignity and material wellbeing are unequally distributed, that we do not do enough to redress the daily injustices that plague our societies, and that we are yet to chart a clear path to place the dispossessed and disempowered at the centre of our service and together enable their emancipation from the structures that oppress them.
Read more: The Rome Monti Declaration on a Shared Humanity 2022
The structure of the Church remains hierarchical, paternalistic and almost exclusively male.
- Written by: Frank Callus
Read all the Diocesan Reports Here:
It might seem premature to make any pronouncement on the synodal process at this stage, and yet, with the ink hardly dry from episcopal signatures we are entitled to wonder what we have learnt about ourselves, our Church, and its place in the society in which we live. The first, and most obvious point, is that the process was a success, at least in being held at all. A conversation across all the dioceses of England and Wales was and is an achievement. That it was conducted against a tight timeframe adds somewhat to that sense of achievement. We were reminded frequently of the unique position that we occupied – the first time the people of God have been consulted since the Council of Jerusalem.
This is both a cause for joy and concern: joy that it has happened, and concern that it has taken so long. Synodality has joined the lexicon of the Catholic Church; a concept that was at the heart of religious organisations, in terms of discerning their way forward, has been extended so as to enfranchise all the baptised. With it have come many of the misconceptions that accompany any sudden cultural change. It was presented as an opportunity for the bishops to listen to the people of God, but with the proviso that there were limits to what might be discussed. It was intended to be a period of reflection and maturation but frequently ended in hasty re-writes of a synthesis to meet a deadline. It should have been an opportunity to reach out to the many who no longer wish to journey with us.
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